Monday, March 8, 2010

There's nothing very Kosher about the wild west.

Something is missing in Texas. Sam and I have lived here almost three years and still haven’t found a decent deli or a loaf of Jewish rye bread anywhere. And except for one exotic Tom Thumb supermarket up north in Plano, almost none of the grocery stores here even carry the most basic ethnic Jewish products. It’s not that Jewish people don’t live here, it’s just that none of them realize what they’re missing. When we first moved to Dallas in 2007 I drove around for three weeks looking for a yahrzeit candle but eventually gave up and ordered one online. I paid $2.99 for the candle and $4.50 for shipping.

Actually, the Internet might be the perfect solution now that I’ve discovered a surprise grocery department on Who knew? They’re selling a 12-box crate of Streit’s lightly salted matzo (my personal favorite) for $39, which turns out to be a lot cheaper than Tom Thumb’s price at $4.25 a box. With an endless supply in the pantry I could make Sam’s favorite matzo omelet until the cows come home! I’ll post my recipe within the next couple of days so you can give it a shot in time for Passover. Thank you for reading this, and shalom y’all.

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