Monday, February 7, 2011

The ice hump cometh.

With apologies to playwrite Eugene O’Neill, metro Dallas is expecting another round of nasty “winter mix” precipitation Wednesday morning and, with any luck, we’ll end up with another magnificent, photogenic ice hump in the middle of our patio. For those of you who neglected to respond to our exciting limited-time special offer on Saturday, we still have FREE PACKAGES OF AWESOME ICE HUMP NOTE CARDS available to the first two readers who respond to this post, either with a comment or by email. No normal person would ever pass up an opportunity like this. I’m just saying.

Remember those obstructed, unsafe and uncomfortable temporary Super Bowl seats that I posted about on January 28? Apparently all 1,200 seats were sold at the bargain price of $800 apiece ... except on game day (yesterday) the seats and scaffolding didn’t pass inspection and the Arlington Fire Department roped them off and wouldn’t allow fans to sit down. Cowboys Stadium managed to find alternative seats for slightly more than half, although if you traveled to the game with friends or relatives it was impossible to be seated together as group. The remaining displaced ticketholders wound up standing in the middle of a lobby area watching the game on video screens. Although the NFL promised to refund triple their ticket price, that’s not much consolation if you figure in the cost of airfare, hotels, meals, time off from work and the overwhelming level of corporate greed and negligence that created this situation in the first place. Maybe somebody should have offered a few free cheeseburgers. (Or ice hump note cards.)

And now it’s time for a quick shower and this week’s episode of “Tabatha’s Salon Takeover” on Bravo, which is basically a haircare version “Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares” for distressed beauty shops. Tabatha can be way meaner than Gordon Ramsay, but I forgive her because she’s Australian and I love her haircut.
Thank you so much for reading this. Don’t forget to floss.

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