Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sulphur Springs, Texas, features photogenic longhorns and the China House buffet.

I’d like to begin with a quick review of the last 48 hours in case you’re wondering what the hell I’ve been doing. Aside from several spectacular naps, Sam and I enjoyed a scenic Sunday morning road trip to Sulphur Springs, Texas. We saw lots of photogenic longhorns and dined at the China House buffet — a very pleasant surprise — where we enjoyed above-average dumplings, pork in garlic sauce, sweet & sour chicken, good service and Blue Bell ice cream. We initially attempted to eat at the Metro Diner on the opposite side of the freeway but it smelled like an old ash tray so we never got past the front door. The map below indicates: A) Howdygram headquarters in Mesquite; and B) China House in Sulphur Springs. In case you give a crap, it’s a little more than halfway to Texarkana, Arkansas.
And here, for your possible interest, are the happy owners of China House buffet posing with a bunch of food. Their son (not pictured) serves a dual role as napkin expediter and supervisor of soft drink refills.
Although I’m sure you’ve read the news by now, actor George Lindsey — Goober from “The Andy Griffith Show”  passed away yesterday after a brief illness. He was 83. Lindsey’s Goober character joined the show in 1964, appeared in the spinoff series “Mayberry R.F.D.” and then hooked up with “Hee Haw” in a similar role for several years after that. Basically the dude played Goober his entire life, which is a little creepy, if you ask me. Rest in peace, Goob.
Here’s something fun. I ordered myself a couple of cute Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap Systems yesterday. They dispense antibacterial hand soap with an electronic sensor and you can get refills in all kinds of pleasant fragrances. I bought the hand soap systems from Wal-Mart.com because they were 50% cheaper than anywhere else (only $6.97 with one refill included) and then ordered three extra soap refills on sale from Drugstore.com. Check back soon for a product review.
Glorioski, we’ve got a THUNDERSTORM rolling through here right now! After practically no rain whatoever during the month of April it’s nice to hear the sound of free water pounding against the roof again. We’re expecting thunderstorms almost all night long and regular showers all day today. Yee-haw!

And finally, I’d like to recommend a well-written article on the Dallas Observer’s website titled “Mitt Romney: American Parasite.” The Howdygram considers this required reading and we sincerely hope you’ll spend a few minutes enlightening yourself. Mitt Romney does not belong in the White House and it’s up to us to make sure he doesn’t get there. I kid you not.
I guess I should go to bed now because I love listening to the sound of rain when I’m falling asleep. I might also pester Sam so he can listen with me. Thank you for reading this.

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