Saturday, November 30, 2013

I have a leaky bladder and seriously congested nasal whatnots.

In this post: Kvetch report, a special delivery.

SATURDAY MORNING, 5 A.M. I’ve got a kvetch report to share with y’all. I woke up about 20 minutes ago because my feet were annoying me (it’s diabetic neuropathy in case you need to know) and I couldn’t breathe due to seriously congested nasal whatnots. I’m also really really thirsty but I don’t feel motivated enough yet to shlep myself into the kitchen for a Marcytini. Maybe in a few minutes. We’ll see.

Here’s a hot story from our Adorable Relatives in the News department: My niece Melissa had a baby girl on Tuesday! Addison Elizabeth weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz., and Melissa’s sister (Allison) says she’s absolutely adorable, which is no surprise whatsoever because Melissa and Tom are both absolutely adorable and their son Tyler (age 5) is absolutely adorable, too. Also really smart. For my Saturday craft project I’ll design a “new baby” card and mail it with a check to the most absolutely adorable little family in suburban Chicago. As soon as somebody sends me a picture of Addison I’ll post it on the Howdygram. (This could take a while. I’m not at the top of anybody’s list.)

5:50 A.M. Kvetch update! In addition to the various medical crap detailed in paragraph one I’m also experiencing three additional neuropathy symptoms at this hour: 1) a leaky bladder; 2) chills; and 3) my body temperature is dropping. I can’t wait to find out what’s next.

5:56 A.M. I finally got my Marcytini. It was worth the effort.

No matter how I’m feeling later today I want Sam to take me for a drive in the country and a nice lunch. My last real outing was back on November 2 when we celebrated my birthday at the Choctaw Casino in Oklahoma, featuring their senior citizen buffet with sugar-free pie, pea salad and all-you-can-eat tartar sauce. I’m not counting my appointment with Dr. M on November 18 because it’s only half a mile from home and took less than 45 minutes. Plus they did lab work, and I refuse to consider lab work an “outing.”

6:35 A.M. I have to go back to bed now. Thank you for stopping by.

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