Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hot feet, politics and peanut butter. Just another day in Howdygramland.

I’ve had a crappy night. VERY, VERY CRAPPY. I woke up at 3 a.m. and haven’t been back to bed due to indigestion induced by two tablespoons of peanut butter shortly after midnight, hot feet and finding out yesterday that my former brother-in-law died. Since there’s not much I can do about feet and death at this hour of the morning I figure I’ll horse around with the Howdygram for a while and drink Coke Zero until I belch, which is typically the sole cure for a peanut butter debacle.

That had to be my stupidest opening paragraph EVER.

If you’re a woman, or if you care for one, please take a few minutes to watch the following video clip. Thank you in advance.

Big news. Following another long, hot and seriously dry summer, autumn will finally gallop into the Dallas/Forth Worth metroplex on Saturday, as indicated by this five-day forecast from Unfortunately, at the present time I’m too damn tired to care. (And you can’t make me.)
My plans for the rest of the day — providing I finally get some sleep — will include: 1) baking and eating low-carb blueberry muffins; 2) folding underwear; and 3) watching the presidential debate on MSNBC. It’s entirely possible that I might be able to combine all three activities into a full evening of entertainment, so please send an email if you’d like to come over, okay?

Glorioski! Coke Zero just worked its magic so I’m going back to bed at last. Thank you for reading this.

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