Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sometimes a girl just can't catch a break.

This morning I was whining to Sam that I’m really REALLY sick of doctor appointments. I can’t even keep track of how many I’ve had in the past two years ... countless visits and follow-ups for diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, experimenting with various doses and combinations of medications, nonstop lab tests, plus treatment for a urinary tract infection, ingrown toenails, plantar fasciitis, a botched frontal lobotomy, carpal tunnel syndrome and most recently — of all things — ANEMIA. (Just kidding about the frontal lobotomy.)

I should be careful what I wish for, though, because I LOST A TOOTH while I was eating dinner a little while ago ... so now I have to add DENTIST appointments to my never-ending list of DOCTOR appointments! The tooth in question is actually the crown from my upper right bicuspid, which fell out in one piece, post and all. I had root canal on that tooth two or three decades ago, so at least it doesn’t hurt, but now I’m sure I’ll be faced with the inevitable battle with a dental professional over how to proceed with the restoration. I have my own agenda on this subject for reasons that will remain unwritten for the time being. (If you’re interested in details you can send me an email.)

I think I’ll go gum some carrots. Thank you for reading this.

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