Friday, September 20, 2013

Lots of rain and a new shade of red.

In this post: A Howdygram face lift, glorious rain.

Before I get sidetracked, has anybody noticed that the Howdygram is sporting a “new look” these days? This is really HUGE CRAPOLA, people! I changed the banner logo to antique wood, all the sidebar titles are a different shade of red, and starting with this post I’ll be trying out a new font for my photo captions. For instance:

And if that’s not enough excitement for a quiet Friday morning, IT’S POURING RAIN HERE IN NORTH TEXAS! Why is this such a big hoo-hah? Because we’ve been stuck in a La Niña weather pattern since 2009 — i.e., an extreme drought — and this is the first real rain we’ve had since sometime last year. Apparently we’re getting the remnants of two huge tropical storms in the Gulf that flooded Mexico this week, and for that all I can say is: GRACIAS, MEXICO.

Our current weather map appears below for your possible interest; the bright red star denotes Howdygram headquarters. (Please don’t bother to zoom in because it’s still early and I’m not dressed yet.) We’re expecting nonstop heavy rain and thunderstorms until sometime this evening. Yee-haw!
I think I’ll go back to bed now. Come back later for more scintillating news, okay?

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