Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Glorioski and yee-haw! In case you’ve been hiding under a rock, everybody on the planet should know by now that President Adorable Obama won yesterday’s election.
Sam and I stayed up late last night to watch all the requisite election night festivities on MSNBC, including: 1) Romney waving goodbye (see ya, Mittens!); 2) a massive Obama victory celebration with the biggest slabs of red, white and blue confetti I’ve ever seen in my life; and 3) the Reverend Al Sharpton, pictured at right, enjoying his new career as a mainstream political pundit.

Regarding snazzy little Reverend Sharpton, I learned last night that he’s three years younger than me after commenting that he voted for the very first time in 1972 when he was 18 years old. Seriously, I thought the dude was at least 70. I feel sick.

Speaking of feeling sick, this is a perfect segue into my next topic: DONALD TRUMP. Back on October 23 Trump was recognized as the Howdygram’s first-ever Putz of the Week (see post), and his outrageous election night behavior has qualified him once again after shooting off his big dumb mouth on Twitter.
Four of Trump’s aforementioned Twitter posts appear below, all bordering on treason. A later tweet demanded revolution. Why the hell can’t somebody in the Republican party figure out how to shut him up?
 It’s time for lunch. I love lunch.

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