Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dental developments and financial news.

This could only happen to ME. After spending $2,000 on oral surgery for seven extractions, I’m mortified to report that I’ve got a toothache where a tooth no longer exists. A couple of hours ago while Sam and I were watching “Way Out West” (our favorite Laurel and Hardy movie) a throbbing pain developed where my upper right cuspid used to be. I suspect it’s an abcess leftover from before the surgery, but later this morning I’ll call Dr. Gregory and tell him I need to come in right away so we can figure out what to do.

NEVER SCREW AROUND WITH AN ABCESS BECAUSE YOUR HEAD COULD EXPLODE. (Not really. But it can be serious nevertheless.)

In other news ... we refinanced our house Monday morning. A representative from the title company came over at 10 and we all sat around shuffling papers in the dining room for close to an hour. Then Sam ate two bowls of cereal and went for a walk to celebrate. I would have suggested going out for lunch, but I didn’t sleep much last night (less than three hours) and the thought of putting on shoes was overwhelming. So I answered email instead and watched “People’s Court.” By the way, if you’re not a fan of “People’s Court,” you should be, because it’s MUCH better entertainment than “Dancing with the Skanks Stars.” See for yourself.

Thank you for reading this. Please floss.

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