Saturday, July 30, 2011

Don croaks in south Texas.

I’m referring, of course, to the useless tropical storm that landed yesterday in Brownsville. Apparently Don kicked the proverbial bucket before producing any drought relief whatsoever, and Texans everywhere are pretty irritated about this. Here in the Dallas area we were holding onto a shred of hope for maybe one cloud and a teeny chance of rain today and tomorrow, but when I checked the 10-day forecast a couple of minutes ago on here’s what I saw:
Look at the daily high temperatures which, incidentally, do NOT reflect the “heat index” with humidity factored in. On Monday and Wednesday next week we could easily wind up with a heat index above 115°. Oy.

I just read a very interesting article. Apparently Apple Inc. has more available cash on hand than the treasury of the United States.
What makes this even more amazing than it sounds is, Apple did it all under the leadership of one singular visionary — Steve Jobs — by inventing, manufacturing and marketing exciting products that everybody lines up to buy. Sure, there are other large corporations with lots of money (think big oil or pharmaceutical companies) but they make their dough by gouging the public for an essential service, manipulating supply and demand and hoarding windfall profits from tax breaks they don’t deserve. When you compare corporate goals, cultures and public perception, Steve Jobs rises to the top as the most amazing CEO in history. And he got there in jeans and a black turtleneck. I’m just saying.

I got up way too early today. I’m thinking I should go stretch out on the couch for an hour or two or maybe even go back to bed for a while. Thanks for stopping by. I like you.

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