Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Howdygram: international blog of mystery.

I’m not exactly sure what started all this, but today has been a banner day for international visitors to the Howdygram. I check my blog statistics several times a day to find out how many readers I’ve got, the countries they’re from and how long they spend looking at each post. Apparently this morning somebody posted a link on Facebook to one of my articles from last summer about ugly world leaders and WHAM, half the globe has showed up to read about it. In addition to locations all over the U.S. and Canada, so far today I’ve logged visitors from two cities in South Africa, Malaysia, England, Argentina, Ireland, France, India, Ireland, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and three different cities in Egypt!

I don’t know about YOU, but I find it really difficult to visualize a bunch of Egyptians reading the Howdygram. I’m just saying.
A few days ago I mentioned that I’d been working on a website project for a new client and would share the link as soon as it’s done. Well, it’s done, so click here. For the record, I have no additional website projects lined up at the present time, so if you, a relative, a neighbor, a close personal friend or somebody you met last week on the bus needs an affordable website, I’m available. Gracias.

I’m treating myself to Chinese food tonight for dinner. I haven’t ordered for a while because I thought I was getting burned out, but thank God I was wrong. I’ve had a love affair with Chinese food since 1952. I was barely 14 months old at the Golden Pheasant restaurant at Lawrence and Broadway in Chicago when dad taught me how to order fried rice with a Chinese accent. I would say “flied lice” and the waiters got so hysterical they would shlep the chef out of the kitchen so I’d say it again. Somewhere there exists a photo of me in a high chair sucking an egg roll.

Thank you for reading this and pass the soy sauce.

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