Friday, July 29, 2011

Medicine for a burning heart.

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little. I don’t have a burning heart. I don’t even have ordinary heartburn. I have daily (and constant) INDIGESTION that’s triggered by my ever-expanding menu of prescription medications. I’ve had to give up eating peanut butter, bell peppers, eggplant and anything that comes within half a block of garlic. Some days it’s so bad I walk around with a bottle of Tums in my pocket.

Fortunately, when I saw my doctor yesterday she told me to try Prilosec once a day and I’d feel a whole lot better. So Sam, my adorable genius, brought home the generic equivalent from Wal-Mart (see below) this morning. I took my first dose at 10 a.m. and what a MIRACLE ... no more indigestion! Seriously, this is the first day in MONTHS that I haven’t been miserable.
Had I known the cure was so simple I would have tried an over-the-counter medication a long time ago. I just get really tired of taking so many pills and refused to believe that adding one more could ever make me feel better. Holy cow, was I ever wrong.

For the weather nerds among you, Tropical Storm Don came ashore today in Brownsville, Texas, without much hoo-hah here in the Dallas area. This is mostly because Brownsville is 550 miles from Dallas and there’s almost no chance in hell we’ll get any benefit whatsoever from the rain or clouds, although one or both would be mighty welcome. We’ve got an exceptional drought situation going on and a few clouds would help break the heat wave a little. For instance, a little cloud cover tomorrow might be the first time in SEVEN WEEKS that our temperature dips below 100°. (I’ll believe it when I see it.)
FYI, even though the 10-day forecast pictured above indicates the “chance” of an isolated thunderstorm tonight, tomorrow and Sunday, this is pretty much the same probability that exists for a visit by aliens, free parking downtown or winning the Powerball lottery.

Sam just called to tell me he’ll probably have to work late tonight, which means I can continue horsing around with the Howdygram for a while, take a leisurely shower and eat my new #1 favorite junk food until he gets home.
I don’t know if you’ve ever tried these or not, but Chester’s Puffcorn with Cheese is probably the best stuff on the planet next to Mongolian chicken. It actually tastes exactly like cheese popcorn but without all the annoying unpopped kernels that can break a person’s teeth.

Thank you for reading this. Send napkins.

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