Sometimes Sam and I diverge where TV is concerned, typically along traditional gender lines: he’ll watch reruns of “Married With Children” and I never miss “Project Runway.” But there’s one genre that brings us together in a hurry: LAW ENFORCEMENT. We’re totally addicted to TruTV’s “Cops” and “Inside American Jail” ... and we can’t wait for the new series that debuts January 31, “Las Vegas Jailhouse.”
For us, these shows are like sporting events. We recognize some of the officers by name, we cheer and shout at the screen and we LOVE it when they bring the barking German shepherds and the tasers. Our favorite thing on “Cops” is when they tackle a slippery idiot and sit on his head to subdue him. It’s GREAT. The police are all yelling RELAX and STOP RESISTING ... and some freaked-out loser is squashed on the ground with officers sitting all over him and a camera in his face. Our second-favorite thing is when handcuffs aren’t enough and they have to carry a loser to the squad car hog-tied.

“Inside American Jail” pretty much continues where “Cops” leaves off ... you get to see what happens in local jails after an arrest. This is EXCELLENT STUFF. Police in jails don’t take any crap whatsoever from the steady parade of slobs showing up on any given night. Hookers, drunks, loudmouths who got in a fight, half-naked transvestites yanked off public transportation, mother-daughter shoplifting teams, DUIs, burglars, you name it. Sam and I especially love the jerk who refuses to follow directions because he’ll end up with a bunch of huge cops tying him down in a RESTRAINT CHAIR (see image) ... and it gets even better if they have to put a spit mask on his head, which makes him look like a PUMPKINHEAD and you can tell they’re all trying not to laugh. (They don’t try very hard, however.)
I haven’t told Sam yet, but there’s one more TruTV reality series that I started watching last week: “Operation Repo,” about a family of enormous, frightening Hispanics with tattoos who repossess cars all over L.A. Trust me: PAY YOUR BILLS. And thank you for reading this.
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