Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Great Mailbox Caper continues.

There have been THREE DEVELOPMENTS since I last posted about this crime on June 14.

Development #1. Although I haven’t heard back yet from our next-door neighbor about who was the jerk in the four-door Ford who murdered our mailbox and drove off into the night, yesterday morning our landscaping crew stood our fallen mailbox upright on the cement base and made it look almost as good as new. Sam was ecstatic when I told him because our landscapers always come to the rescue and we LOVE them. (They also fix leaky sprinkler heads.)

Development #2. Later in the day I called our handyman, who said he’d stop by before Saturday to give me an estimate. Gary has the thickest Texas drawl I’ve ever heard. This has nothing whatsoever to do with his ability to fix things, however, plus he’s cheap and exceptionally punctual.

Development #3. I went for a short drive this morning for a nice change of scenery and to get some cash at the bank, and when I got home — holy crap — THE CRIME VEHICLE WAS PARKED IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE. I called Sam and asked if he thought I should contact the Mesquite police and he said yes, so that’s what I did. A nice officer came over and I told him what happened Tuesday night, but when he took a closer look at the Ford parked out front he said it couldn’t be the crime vehicle because there wasn’t any damage to the trunk ... even though I was POSITIVE it looked caved-in. He said no, not really ... the back end of a Ford Focus is just “naturally ugly.” At that point I pretty much felt like an idiot but I’m glad I reported the mailbox incident anyway.

Now you’re completely up-to-date.

I’m also pleased to announce that my left knee seems to be improving. I’d love to celebrate with ice cream but I don’t have any, so I’ll just make popcorn and watch a movie. Thank you for reading this.

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