Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Great Mailbox Caper: SOLVED.

There’s late-breaking news this morning from the crime scene here in Mesquite. The driver of the mysterious four-door Ford compact who whacked our brick mailbox on Tuesday (see previous posts here and here) showed up at the front door last night and admitted what he did. Apparently our next-door neighbor had to nudge him a little to come forward, but I’m sure that’s because the driver is a 17-year-old high school kid who probably thought nobody saw him do it. (At 17 I might have done exactly the same thing.)

Silas turned out to be a nice boy and a high school football star who responded to everything with a “yes ma’am” and then offered to pay to have the mailbox foundation repaired. I told him I’d get in touch when we had an estimate and that Sam and I would let him make payments if he wanted to.

So the case is closed, the crime has been solved, and I think I can safely call off the Mesquite Police, the FBI, the CIA, the FCC, the FDA, the Navy Seals, the Department of Homeland Security, the Channel 21 News Chopper and Interpol.

In other news, I received the following photo of Sam and his brothers this morning in an email from my sister-in-law Lisa.
Pictured from left to right, we have David, mom, Steve and (of course) Sam, who all met for lunch at The Cheesecake Factory somewhere in the greater Los Angeles area. For the record, in real life my mother-in-law does NOT actually have a fountain squirting out of her head.

There’s another heat advisory today in Dallas. The high will be 103° with a heat index of 110°, and since the National Weather Service is suggesting again that you check on the elderly, why don’t you come on over with a nice coffee cake around 2:30 and we’ll watch “People’s Court” and play cards in the dining room.
Everybody keep cool. Thank y’all for reading this.

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