Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cosmopolitan Magazine, turning your daughters into prostitutes.

Hello from Marcy’s Wonderful World of Laundry. While my favorite sheets are dancing through the final spin cycle I’d like to take a quick Howdygram detour by offering the following observation. Until today I was positive there was no publication on earth more revolting than Bowhunter Magazine, but I was wrong. Cosmopolitan wins.
I don’t know why, but I just started receiving a free two-year subscription to Cosmopolitan Magazine that I’m unable to cancel no matter how hard I try. (Trust me. I’ve tried.) The November issue appears above, featuring countless stories about breasts, orgasms, how to get a sexy ass, times when it’s okay to be skanky, how men really prefer your buns, 25 ways to kiss a naked man, where to buy boots with “baditude” so you can walk all over people, and enough “crazy-hot sex facts” to fill a football stadium. Oh, plus 72 pages of lip gloss ads and pictures of Heidi Klum.

I’m ready to put a gun to my head. This is all such embarrassing horseshit I might have to wrap it in plain paper before I throw it in the garbage.

Speaking of embarrassing horseshit, John Boehner, the GOP’s weeper of the house, is apparently under fire from all sides right now for being a card-carrying jerk.
President Obama is refusing all of Boehner’s counter-offers on the fiscal cliff negotiations and fellow Republicans in Congress are having a collective cow that Boehner is booting their favorite right-wingers from key committees. I don’t know about you, but I’m having fun watching the GOP implode. This is almost better than “Hardcore Pawn.”

And now, for a change of pace, I think I’ll eat dinner, take a shower and ponder cleaning up the kitchen so my maid service won’t have a heart attack tomorrow morning. I’ve been kind of sluggish and unmotivated for the last couple of days. Okay, lazy. But I’m primed to make a comeback. I’ll get those counters cleared off even if it kills me.

Thank you for reading this.

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