Thursday, December 31, 2009

Behold the power of lox.

I lied. You can disregard part of my post from this morning because I went to Costco after all. Sam looked exceptionally sad and pathetic after I told him the weather was too crappy for a fun-food outing, so I threw on three layers of clothing (seriously) and drove off into the late morning fog. Know what? It was worth the trip! Costco was crowded, which was no surprise on New Year’s Eve, but I found a great handicapped spot near the entrance (God bless handicapped spots) and there were plenty of open checkout lanes so it didn’t take very long to get everything on my weekend food-fest wish list. This included: two pounds of lox, a dozen bagels, a gigantic box of T.G.I. Fridays mozzarella sticks, a three-pack of Classico tomato basil pasta sauce, a dozen hand-made chicken tamales, salsa, three pounds of jumbo shrimp, fresh raspberries, chicken salad with pecans and cranberries, two pounds of shrimp salad, a dozen muffins, herb-crusted sliced turkey breast, pot roast, Tillamook pepper jack cheese, a tub of whole cashews, and last but not least ... THE  BIGGEST DAMN CHICKEN POT-PIE I’VE EVER SEEN, which is in the oven as I write this. No kidding, it’s bigger than my Epson scanner! (Marcycita’s South-of-the-Border Tamale Pie is officially postponed until a later date.)

And now ... it’s almost time for TCM’s New Year’s Eve “Thin Man” movie marathon, so happy new year to y’all (again) and I’ll be back with another post in 2010!

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