Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Howdygram strongly recommends early voting. You can go to Denny’s afterwards.

We did it. WE VOTED THIS MORNING. It was so much fun Sam wants to vote again tomorrow!

Our polling place at the Lakeside Activity Center — yes, it’s actually next to a lake — was not quite as chaotic as Tuesday (see earlier post) so we decided to grab the last handicapped parking spot and get in line with an intriguing assortment of old people, yahoos, Elvis impersonators and neighbors. I hope the huge turnout means everybody’s voting for President Obama but I can’t be positive. Incidentally, the Howdygram strongly recommends early voting because you can go to Denny’s afterwards and have a little party. (Try the Senior Scrambled Eggs.)
More breaking election news! According to an article today on, out of 2,094 voting-age adults 59% would rather eat a hamburger with President Barack Obama and 41% with Mitt Romney. WHAT A LANDSLIDE! Smashburger hired Harris Interactive to conduct the survey online, and the results also revealed which former U.S. president Americans would choose for a burger buddy: 22% for Clinton; 15% for Abraham Lincoln; 14% for John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan; 5% for Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington; and 4% for George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter.

Personally, I can’t believe 4% of Americans would pick George W. Bush to do their yard work. And what the hell ever happened to FDR, Grover Cleveland or — better yet — Millard Fillmore?
In case I’ve piqued your interest, Millard Fillmore, a Whig, became president of the United States following the death of Zachary Taylor in 1850, at which time Taylor’s entire cabinet resigned because they hated Fillmore’s creepy little guts. After his term in office ended (1853) Fillmore joined the Know-Nothing movement and opposed Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. His most popular accomplishment was co-founding the Buffalo Historical Society. Holy crap.

I think I’d better eat something. I just tested my blood sugar and it was only 49, which is maybe two or three points away from calling 911 and certainly explains why I just wrote a Howdygram post about Millard Fillmore. Thank you for reading this.

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