Tuesday, July 16, 2013

People are so quick to assume you’re intoxicated just because you tip over.

If it’s not one thing, it’s another. My plantar fasciitis is almost gone (thank God), but now I’m back to an assortment of other peripheral neuropathy issues, such as: 1) burning hot hands and feet, especially late at night (i.e., right now); 2) finger spasms on my left hand; and 3) I get dizzy every time I stand up.

That last item only poses a problem if I’m out in public. People are so quick to assume you’re intoxicated just because you tip over.

The time right now is 2:30 a.m. and I can’t sleep. I tried. My hands and feet feel like they’re on fire (see item one, first paragraph) so I’m having a snack break with a low-carb chocolate bar and a tall Marcytini with extra ice. As soon as the chocolate’s gone and my feet cool off I’ll go back to bed. I wouldn’t want Sam to get lonely.

Here’s a cute video clip for your possible interest. It’s a scene from the movie Deep in My Heart (1954), the biography of composer/songwriter Sigmund Romberg. I actually mentioned this movie in a post back on July 11 but didn’t run across the video until just a few hours ago. It’s José Ferrer (as Romberg) and opera star Helen Traubel singing and dancing to a cute number called “Leg of Mutton Rag.” I apologize if the melody gets stuck in your head. That’s life, folks.

I think I’ll try heading back to bed now. Thank you for putting up with me.

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