Sunday, January 27, 2013

I think if I’d had children, one of them would have been named Farfel.

I just disappointed Sam. We wanted to go to Alfredo’s for lunch today except my knees are killing me and I didn’t think it was such a good idea to drag myself into a restaurant with this frightening expression on my face. So we’ve moved on to Plan B, which involves: 1) me staying home in a robe; and 2) Sam driving to Tom Thumb for bread and cream cheese followed by picking up lunch for himself at Five Guys if he’s interested in a sloppy cheeseburger.

Pictured here are the various items mentioned above with the exception of Alfredo’s restaurant. I couldn’t find any pictures of Alfredo’s online so next time we go I’ll have to bring my camera.
So. What’s on your agenda today? I’m planning to do as little as possible until late afternoon, at which time I promised Sam I’d make a No-Brainer Low-Carb Lasagna Pie for dinner while we watch Danny Kaye movies. Specifically, Wonder Man (1945) with Virginia Mayo and The Court Jester (1956) with Angela Lansbury and Basil Rathbone.
A couple of days ago we saw The Inspector General (1949), which is one of my all-time favorite movies, especially the scene where Danny Kaye sings an opera quartet with clones of himself and another when he tells the smitten mayor’s wife, played by Elsa Lanchester, that his name is Farfel. I think if I’d had children, one of them would have been named Farfel. Or maybe Kishke.
I guess it’s time to get on with my life. Thanks for stopping by. Please send an email if you want to come over for No-Brainer Low-Carb Lasagna Pie tonight, okay? There should be enough.

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