Saturday, April 23, 2011

An unconscious, unmotivated Saturday.

This has been a mighty weird day. Sam and I have been asleep for most of it, either in bed, on a sofa in the family room or (in my case) nodding off at my desk. It’s almost like somebody’s been feeding us opiates. I can’t remember the last time I ate a meal — does ice cream count? — or if I even took a shower today. Oy.

Severe thunderstorms are on the way from Fort Worth right now. I’m sure this doesn’t mean anything to YOU, but for us this will probably provide the majority of our Saturday night entertainment aside from watching a Gunga Din rerun on TCM. (We love Gunga Din, however.) Sam is outside on the patio staring at the sky and I might join him. I also have a craving for French fries.
Before I forget, I would like to take this opportunity to extend Easter greetings from the Howdygram if you’re celebrating tomorrow. May your day be filled with a multitude of marshmallow peeps. Shalom, y’all.

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