Tuesday, April 24, 2012

And I thought my gefilte fish addiction was weird.

I’ve been in a crappy mood all day. This almost never happens to me, but today was clearly an exception as I endured a list of annoying catastrophes, including: 1) running out of corn starch; 2) trying to pay for an eBay purchase by phone but the line was busy; 3) am I the only person on earth who likes baloney tacos; and 4) I can’t think of anything else.

With regard to item two above, here’s an earth-shaking development. I bought myself a wheelchair today on eBay. Oy.
If you’ve been reading my posts for any length of time you probably know by now that I’ve got mobility issues. I get around the house just fine, but due to a variety of medical conditions — arthritis in my knees, plantar fasciitis and neuropahy in my feet — I have very little stamina if I go somewhere that involves walking or standing for any length of time. So I decided to buy the sleek new wheelchair that’s pictured above! From now on if Sam and I decide to go to a museum or a classic car show I’ll finally be able to enjoy myself as much as he does. There’s a good chance my new wheels will be here by Saturday, so if the weather’s decent maybe we’ll try it out at Mesquite’s Real Texas Festival this weekend. Yee-haw!

Breaking news. I just read a story on MSNBC.com that teens are apparently drinking hand sanitizer to get drunk now. Over the past month in Los Angeles at least eight future Einsteins have landed in emergency rooms with alcohol poisoning. They’re apparently distilling the product with salt to separate the ethyl alcohol, which is 120-proof and 50% more potent than tequila. Holy crap. And I thought my gefilte fish addiction was weird!
And finally, I forgot to include a crucial film in last night’s Howdygram post. It’s Queen of Outer Space from 1958 starring Zsa Zsa Gabor.
So here’s the basic plot. Four astronauts from Earth rocketing to a space station get bombarded by mysterious death rays that force their ship to crash on Venus, which is inhabited by a race of voluptuous but severely crabby women. The astronauts are wearing the same space suits from Forbidden Planet (1956) and the dialog and cheesy cardboard scenery make this a “camp” science fiction classic you have to see to believe. (Order it here on Amazon.) I’ve included a video clip below for your possible interest.

For the record, Zsa Zsa is not the queen. She’s actually a scientist on Venus with an enormous wardrobe of stiletto heels and evening gowns. Go figure.

Thank you for reading this.

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