Saturday, April 21, 2012

Welcome to teeny pieland.

In case you’re wondering how dinner turned out tonight I’m pleased to report that my inaugural leap into teeny pieland was a rousing success. God bless Babycakes.
I made teeny chicken pot pies for Sam and me. He ate three, I was full after two, and there are six more in the fridge for tomorrow. These little suckers are bigger than I expected and baked in only 13 minutes. The filling was my own recipe using all those strange freeze-dried ingredients I bought a few weeks ago from Shelf Reliance — shredded chicken, onions, celery, mushrooms, diced potatoes — which I rehydrated in less than 10 minutes and smooshed together with two cans of low-fat Campbell’s cream of chicken soup, a cup of cooked mixed veggies and half a teaspoon of thyme. The teeny crusts were cut from Pillsbury’s ready-made refrigerated pie dough, shown below, and I saved the scraps to use next time. My rolling pin will be a can of Pam. (It works. Stop laughing.)
I guess that’s about it for tonight. I’m hoping to get to bed at a decent hour (for a change) so Sam and I can be up early tomorrow for our road trip to Ennis to ogle the bluebonnets and longhorns. Thank you for reading this.

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