Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rick Perry, man of a thousand stupid viewpoints.

Our creepy governor, Rick “The Joker” Perry, has been making news again. Speaking on a political TV program in St. Petersburg, Florida, a couple of days ago, Perry now says he was “just kidding” when he questioned the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate … obviously a retreat following the mainstream GOP’s rebuke. This is in spite of the fact that Perry has been hanging out with the nutjob birther movement since 2008 and as recently as last week referred to Obama’s “forged birth certificate” in a conversation with Donald Trump.
Perry also wants us to believe he “wasn’t serious” about a state program to offer the Confederate flag on Texas license plates even though he provided full support to the Department of Public Safety (all Perry appointees) when they presented their proposal to the legislature. Apparently Perry flip-flopped after massive voter backlash and a petition with 22,000 signatures demanding withdrawal of the program.
Apparently there’s no end to this yahoo’s sense of humor, and Perry’s wife isn’t much better … she emphatically believes he was “annointed by God” to run for President. We’re sure a lucky bunch here in Texas!

In case you’re interested, we’re getting ready for game six of the World Series (postponed last night due to crappy weather in St. Louis) and just ordered a small mountain of food from China City, which should be here in about half an hour. Because nothing says post-season baseball like a bucket of chicken chow mein.

Thanks for stopping by.

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