Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Significant changes in Howdygramland.

I’m not sure whether or not you’ve noticed, but I just made some REALLY HUGE CHANGES to the Howdygram! Okay, they may not be huge to YOU, but they’re definitely huge to ME because it took more than an hour to tweak the HTML coding and I missed my opportunity for an after-lunch nap. Today’s modifications included downsizing from three columns to two, adding a pink divider between the two remaining columns and reducing the overall width of the blog and the header graphic.

If you think this was easy you’d be wrong. I definitely suffer for my art.

In case you’re interested we had an excellent lunch today at Royal China that ended with well-written fortune cookies and enough leftover food to keep us off the street tonight for dinner. I ordered Szechwan string beans with shrimp, Sam had sweet & sour something and mom’s entree was stir-fried tilapia with vegetables. (I think I’m hungry again.) Mom’s tilapia looked so good I might order it next time we go. Or maybe I’ll get noodles.

More later. Hope you’re enjoying Tuesday as much as I am.

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