Sunday, May 27, 2012

The South shall rise again. No kidding.

It’s early Sunday morning and I woke up an hour ago with a stuffed nose and a craving for TicTacs. While I’m blowing one and feeding the other I thought I’d write a post because Sam and I did a few amazing things on Saturday.

First, we ate Senior Scrambled Eggs for lunch at a BRAND NEW DENNY’S (new to us, anyway) on I-20 during a lovely drive to Fort Worth. I don’t remember our waitress’ name but she was extremely energetic. (I think I’ve forgotten what it feels like to be 18 years old.) Afterwards we continued heading west and discovered the Texas Civil War Museum, a hidden gem in a town called White Settlement — I’m not making this up — about 10 miles past Fort Worth.
This is a TRULY COOL MUSEUM, and it gave us an opportunity to test my new wheelchair while checking out their exhibits of uniforms — mostly Confederate, of course — plus high tech “medical” instruments (hacksaws, pliers and butcher knives), antique photos, shredded flags, cannon shells, guns and a lot of Civil War-era ball gowns worthy of Gone with the Wind. They also had LIVE MUSIC yesterday featuring Buttermilk Junction, an excellent group of costumed and adorable local yahoos who use authentic 19th century instruments and sing authentic 19th century songs, such as “Dixie” and “Shenandoah.”
I’m pleased to include the following Buttermilk Junction video from YouTube. They’re playing a tune called “The Colored Aristocracy.”

The map below indicates: A) The Texas Civil War Museum; and B) Denny’s with the energetic waitress.
From our Tea and Crumpets department, if you’re a big fan of the British royals like yours truly I think you should try your skill at a fun match-up game that’s posted on ABC’s news website. I played and won three times — perfect scores! — which obviously makes me a nerd of astonishing proportion. (I’m actually fine with this.)
I have to go back to bed now. I’m out of TicTacs.

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