Sunday, November 6, 2011

Changing clocks is easier than changing colors.

Since we’re supposed to set our clocks back tonight to end Daylight Savings Time I thought I’d get out of bed to celebrate being an hour younger. This isn’t nearly as much fun as I’d hoped, though … even with a glass of lemonade and the following picture that I found on a website showcasing Photoshop achievements.
You’re looking at a seriously-retouched image of President Obama as a white boy. I don’t know where the hell they found his strange head of hair but I keep thinking Skippy needs a spray tan. Obama definitely looks better as he really is.

Here’s a little more weird crapola. A Canadian dentist named Michael Zuk just spent $31,200 at auction for a creepy old molar that was once extracted from John Lennon. The seller, Dorothy “Dot” Jarlett, was Lennon’s housekeeper when he lived in Surrey, England, and said that Lennon had given her many lovely gifts over the years, including a wallet and a Japanese pearl necklace. Why he thought anybody would want his decayed tooth, however, is inconceivable. Maybe Dr. Zuk will do the right thing and put a crown on it.

All of a sudden I’m really tired so I think I’ll join Sam in dreamland for a few hours. Thanks for stopping by.

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