Sunday, November 20, 2011

Understanding pointless procrastination.

I don’t think I understand why I tend to postpone the inevitable … especially when the inevitable is really cheap and easy. For example, ever since we moved into this house four and a half years ago our junk drawer in the master bathroom has been a tangled-up nightmare of half-used tubes of ointment, razor refills, teeny toothpaste samples, old lipsticks, loose pills, tweezers, three kinds of cuticle scissors, miniature bottles of hand lotion from Best Western, bandaids and a variety of other whatnots. And every time I open that damn drawer I promise myself to get organized.

Well, yee-ha and mazel tov, it finally happened. I just ordered this excellent bamboo organizer from and it only required a 45-second search to find exactly what I wanted.
It’s 18" wide and expands to 17½" long … a perfect fit for our drawer. I know Sam will be as excited about this as I am, although it’s also possible he may not even notice. I’ll let y’all know what happens either way. You won’t have to wait too long because Amazon says I should receive my delivery by Wednesday.

I’m going back to the Cowboys game now. Thank you for reading this.

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