Friday, November 11, 2011

Worst. Insomnia. Ever.

I’m not sure what’s going on, but for the last few days I’ve had incredible bursts of energy, jumpy feet and practically no desire to sleep … almost like I’m hopped-up on those “speed” diet pills everybody used to take in the 1960s. It’s 3:30 in the morning and I’m wide awake, pursuing quiet diversions so I won’t disturb Sam …  creating a “holiday specials” email campaign to drum up a few new clients for my web design business, reading Steve Jobs’ biography and considering a side trip into the kitchen for some cheese. (Cheese doesn’t make any noise whatsoever.)

The Howdygram would like to wish y’all a very happy Veterans Day. You can either spend a few hours saluting people at random today or stay home to watch the war movie marathon on TCM, which includes such titles as Buck Privates, To the Shores of Tripoli and The Navy Comes Through. To help illustrate this paragraph here’s an excellent photo of my dad when he was in the army. 
Thank you for reading this.

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