Monday, March 12, 2012

God forbid we should run out of mozzarella sticks.

I just got a call from Sam with the grisly news that he’s spending all night at work and probably won’t be home until 5 a.m. I have no idea whatsoever how I’ll spend the rest of my evening, although laundry and ice cream come to mind. I also have to place my biweekly Schwan’s order because God forbid we should run out of mozzarella sticks around here.

This week I’m also ordering Schwan’s popcorn shrimp, a sack of mixed veggies and a box of tasty and attractive Italian melt oven-baked sandwiches. All are pictured below for your possible interest.
Holy crapola. I just realized that I’ve reached a Howdygram milestone by writing FOUR POSTS today. Four! This means I’m either exceptionally prolific or boring beyond all rational comprehension. (Maybe both.) Regardless, I guess it’s time to throw in my first load of laundry and move on. Please plan on a sock-folding party tomorrow night at 8 if you have nothing else to do.

Thank you, as always, for reading this.

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