Thursday, March 8, 2012

Introducing the Howdygram’s official emergency preparedness kit.

There’s not too much happening here right now, which makes pretty good sense at 3 in the morning when Sam’s already asleep and I’m all caught up with the latest episodes of “People’s Court.” I don’t even have any graphic design projects left to do since I’ve finished the three-panel brochure for my client in Wisconsin and sent another round of adorable logo options to the wedding cake dude in South Carolina. The only excitement still on the agenda involves ENORMOUS THUNDERSTORMS that are due to arrive by 5 a.m. and last all day. According to the storms will also include hail and 70 m.p.h. wind by late afternoon, at which time I’ll barricade myself in the master bedroom closet with a flashlight and a box of sugar-free emergency Oreos.
For your possible interest here’s my 1960 fourth grade class photo from Highland School in Skokie, Illinois. My friend Anita emailed this to me a couple of years ago. I’m the attractive student with a pink frame around my face. Anita is in the row above me, third from the left.
Others pictured here include Karen, Kathy, Scott, Harlene, Herbie, Joel, Brad, Robin, Rocky, Marsha, Scott, Donald, Nanette, Marilyn, Larry, Janice, two Sandies, two Steves, a Sam and a couple of Lauries. I know I’ve forgotten a few names but what the hell ... it’s been more than half a century and under the circumstances I think I’m doing a swell job.

I guess it’s finally time to hit the sack. Thanks for dropping in!

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