Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Howdygram is in a class by itself.

You should be thankful for the Howdygram. Seriously. Whenever I browse around on Blogspot I see a LOT of really stupid, boring, one-note blogs floating around in cyberspace, and most of them are either focused on babies — busy mommies! drooly newborns! our little angel pooped today! — or somebody’s terminal illness and funeral arrangements.

The Howdygram is completely different and in a class by itself. I rant and post on any topic whatsoever, including shopping, relatives, politics, retirement, sports, smashed toes and other general medical issues, recipes, movie reviews, Einsteins (they walk among us!), breaking news, prescription adventures, photos of Sam and the occasional amusing video. And it’s the latter that I’d like to share with you now ... an addicting Cars.com TV commercial that Sam and I saw a few days ago. I can’t stop singing the damn jingle.

Show of hands. Has anybody ever heard of a strange sleep disorder called Kleine-Levin Syndrome? I read an article about it on ABC’s news website yesterday. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, symptoms include sleeping 20 hours a day, excessive intake of junk food, irritability, hallucinations, childishness and speaking gibberish ... and episodes can last for weeks at a time. Glorioski, somebody just figured out my ex-husband!

Thank you for reading this.

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