Monday, February 24, 2014

Farewell and good riddance to Sochi 2014.

In this post: Olympic disappointments.

It’s finally over, people. The Howdygram is pleased to say farewell and good riddance to Sochi 2014, the least inspiring and most annoying Winter Olympics in recent history. In an era of so much social and economic struggle it actually seems EMBARRASSING for anybody to waste this kind of money on infrastructure, travel, stupid outfits, publicity, security, outrageous opening ceremonies and unexciting sporting events that reward a bunch of athletes show-offs entitled rich kids whose “careers” involve hanging out at ski resorts. Seriously, can you justify the existence of 40-year-old men who spend their entire life in a bobsled but never win a medal? I didn’t think so. Neither can I.

A few of America’s biggest Olympic disappointments appear below.
A hypoglycemic episode (low blood sugar) woke me up a couple of hours ago but I think I’m finally okay and ready to go back to bed now. More later, okay?

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