Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It’s high time to begin the Howdygram’s official New Year’s Eve festivities.

In this post: Crappy crap, pickles & biscuits, poor Sam.

I have NOT had a terrific day. The crapola started before sun-up with a variety of body maintenance issues (see previous post) followed by seven consecutive hours of intense intestinal distress, several frantic trips down the hall and half a quart of Imodium. (If this is too much information for you, get over it.) By late afternoon I felt so lousy I couldn’t even face a can of Hormel tamales for dinner so I had pickles & biscuits instead. Stop laughing.

It’s 8:45 New Year’s Eve and Sam is still at the office. Exciting, right? He called about an hour ago to let me know he has to work tomorrow — he’s “on call” while everybody else in the department has a paid holiday — because a group of clients just decided to come in-house for a big project starting at 1 p.m. Unfortunately, this means Sam will get stuck working a 20-hour shift because the clients plan to stay until 6 a.m. on Thursday. Seriously, people, this kind of horseshit scares me to death. Sam may be a few years younger than I am, but he’s not a kid any more and these insane all-nighters are taking a huge toll. Oy, I hate hate HATE this.

Before I forget... please allow me to show off my latest collection of new fonts. You may recall that I initiated a moratorium a few months back after a couple of frustrating system software meltdowns, during which I suffered a stroke and wound up trashing several hundred corrupted font files. Recently I decided to test the waters a little by downloading a few new ones, and so far everything is perfectly swell. (Mazel tov if you recognize the Ziggurat font. I’m using it for the Howdygram’s new banner and sidebar titles.)
Sam just got home from work so I think it’s high time to begin the Howdygram’s official New Year’s Eve festivities, which occur in the family room and include bathrobes, lemonade, assorted snacks and a couple of good movies. Here’s wishing you and yours a happy, healthy New Year!

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