Sunday, December 22, 2013

Nothing relieves pain like a can of beef stew.

In this post: Unexpected naps, cheap eats.

It’s two hours before sunrise at Howdygram headquarters and I’m wide awake, the end result of two long and unexpected naps on Saturday, the second of which ended around 9 p.m. — Sam actually slept until 11:15 — followed by a ridiculously late dinner at midnight. Obviously we’re both upside-down but we don’t give a crap. We sleep when we’re tired and we eat when we’re hungry. AMERICA!

So what’s on our agenda for Sunday? After Sam assembles my new office chair (the one that FedEx delivered at 2 a.m. Friday) we pretty much have a whole day with nothing much to do unless Sam feels motivated to drop in at Wal-Mart to load up on Coke Zero. THERE’S ONLY ONE BOTTLE LEFT IN THE PANTRY. I’m very close to having a brain hemorrhage because Coke Zero is the key ingredient in a Marcytini. (We also need cream cheese.)

As long as I’m on the subject (Wal-Mart) you may be interested to know that I ordered the following tasty products online yesterday. As a senior citizen with shitty knees it’s always nice to have urgent food in the house ... something you can even eat right out of the can if you’re desperate and suffering. Nothing relieves pain like a can of beef stew or cheap chow mein! (Except maybe Vienna sausages and morphine.)
I think I’ll go back to bed for a while so I can annoy Sam. Thank you for reading this.

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