Saturday, October 5, 2013

Hang in there, Aunt Adie. I’m hoping we’ll both get used to this.

In this post: Exhaustion, National Taco Day, the reason behind our new format.

So here’s what’s what at Howdygram headquarters on a drizzly, semi-crappy Saturday afternoon. I will elaborate as necessary, in case you’re interested.
  1. I slept very badly last night due to diabetic neuropathy pain in my feet. I went to bed at 2 a.m. but didn’t fall asleep until 3:45.
  2. Sam got home from work at 4:15, woke me up to say hello and then got three hours of sleep before I drove him to the airport at 8:45 for a flight to Los Angeles.
  3. As a result of items 1 and 2 we’re both so damn exhausted we can’t see straight.
  4. The United States government is still on lockdown.
  5. I need a Tex-Mex fix in honor of National Taco Day. (Technically I’m one day late but please don’t tell anybody.)

I’ve had one official comment so far regarding the Howdygram’s new format — i.e., only posting the headline, an opening paragraph and a “read more” link — but apparently Sam’s aunt absolutely HATES it. I’m not sure I’m 100% on board, either, even though this is how nearly all other blogs function. And there’s a logic behind it. When a reader clicks a “read more” link you end up with very accurate visitor statistics and know which posts are getting the most hits. (Hang in there, Aunt Adie. I’m hoping we’ll both get used to this.)

Yes, we’re expecting some rain tonight, as evidenced by the yellow, green and orange blobs on the map below. This won’t be an important hoo-hah according to but it should be enough to make the trees and cattle happy for a few days. The big red star indicates Howdygram headquarters. Don’t bother to zoom in. I’m too tired to wave.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you want to go to Taco Bell with me. I’m starving.


Scott K. Johnson said...

Hi Marcy!

Sorry to hear the DPN is keeping you up. That's a bummer.

Been a drizzly day around here today, too, but I've gotten a lot of work done as a result. <- that's me trying to see the bright side... :-)

Marcy Marks said...

It’s always great to hear from you, Scott, and your positive attitude always cheers me up. I’m hoping I’ll get better sleep tonight. Stay warm!